I have only read chapter 1, and loved I read so far. I adore the MC and the ship AI Nim! And of course the storyline too!

I’m not much of a fan to read serial stories, I prefer to have the whole book in my hand and read it in one go. So I hope you will release the book soon, Alex. Thank you for the peek! 🧡

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Glad you enjoyed it, Meenaz ;)

So the serial is designed as a series of multiple 75-episode arcs. Each arc will eventually be released as a book, though not before that specific arc is completed... so it'll take a bit of time to get there!

I might increase the speed at which I publish the chapters, though, I haven't decided yet. It will depend on a lot of different factors. We shall see.

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I forgot to mention that I am subscribed with you, but with the free version. ☺️

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Thank you for the explanation, Alex.

Let me see if I have understood correctly:

-An Arc will have 75 episodes. Episodes being chapters.?

-Each Arc will be a book.

Then I can understand the tardiness in releasing a book.

So, if I would want to read all the chapters as you go on posting them( will you post chapters daily?), I will have to subscribe, but where? To your substack account? I’ve never done that before. I’ll go check and see how it works. Lol. I have substack account too, but the free one.

Thank you for your time and patience with me, Alex. I really appreciate it. 🧡

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Oh, and I forgot to mention that chapters are published weekly, not daily, though this might change later on.

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Mar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022Author

No worries. And yes, you got all that right. Episodes are chapters, and arcs are books ;)

To get all the chapters (though I've never done this myself LOL) I believe you'd have to click on the 'subscribe' button again (though it might have a different name since you're already subscribed, but it'll be in all the same spots) and from there you can pick the plan you want and follow the instructions.

Do let me know though if you need further help. You're welcome to email me.

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I checked it out, Alex, and it’s very easy to transfer from a free to a paid subscription. 😄

I’ll do it tomorrow, I have to introduce my card details, home address, etc, and I’m too exhausted now, Meds have started to kick in, making me feel all fuzzy and sleepy.

I’m looking forward to reading all the 75 or more episodes of your first Arc, Alex, beginning tomorrow! Yay! 😅

Buenas noches, Goodnight from Barcelona (Spain). Have a lovely weekend, Alex!

Love and Light. 🧡🌟🙏

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Gracias, Meenaz! And all the best from France ;)

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